Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Compost week next week!

Compost week is coming up! Monday 7 – Saturday 12 May 2012

Better, soil, better life, better future.

Sure, you and i know about how composting our waste helps make a great garden, fabulous soil and grow amazing food.

But did you know Composting Awareness Week was established in Canada in 1995?
In 2006, the Centre for Organic & Resource Enterprises (CORE), initiated the event here in Australia. CORE is an industry group in the sustainability sector and conducts a wide range of awareness programs.

So get involved!

Check out the details...

1 comment:

  1. I've been making compost for years although i frequently neglect for months, but it has truly taken chooks to make quick, good compost. And I learnt the molasses trick not long ago. Blogging about both this week. Happy to find your blog. Cheers
