Friday, September 13, 2013

SOILS ain't soils

IT seems crazy with all the rain we having down south to think about the long, hot summer ahead.

But it's coming, according to those lovable weather boffins at the BOM and Sir Peter Cundall.

So now is the time to turn over the compost that's been festering and bubbling away all winter and get ready to enrich and mulch your soil.

This weekend I'll compartment off my new veggie beds and keep the chooks in a section to have them fertilise and turn the soil over.

Last week I had two dangerously rotted gum trees removed and the workman kindly left behind the sawdust - but it's so saturated with eucalyptus oil which is a plant suppressant I'll have to dilute it through the compost bins before using in the garden.

While I'll probably have to wear gumboots and a rain-coat to do the weeding, I know come December I'll be glad I persevered.

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