Sunday, June 16, 2013

Your beauty

BROCCOLI is beautiful.

I'm always dazzled by how quickly the seedlings escalate into gorgeous crowns.

Funny how much I loathe brussell sprouts and cauliflower but love broccoli.

It's perfect in soups or munched straight from the garden.

And I'm not the only one with my eye on this green beauty.

The hens have been eyeing off the broccoli bed for some weeks and Hilda has made several futile attempts to eat the crop.

Fortunately, the secure chicken wire fencing has kept them out of that part of the garden.

Tomorrow I'll pick some to take to work for lunch.

Thinly sliced and sauteed with a little garlic (I don't want my colleagues to think I'm fearful of vampires) and a squeeze of lemon - bliss.

The chooks can have the leaves, it's fun to see them toss the greens in the air with their beaks and catch them before scarfing them down.

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